Dragon Ball: Dragon Daihikyou Characters - Giant Bomb (2024)

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    Dragon Ball: Dragon Daihikyou Characters - Giant Bomb (11)

    Game » consists of 0 releases. Released Sep 27, 1986

    • Super Cassette Vision

    The first game based on the Dragon Ball manga and anime series, Dragon Ball: Dragon Daihikyou is a vertical shoot-em-up players control Goku on his Flying Nimbus cloud.

    Short summary describing this game.


    • Bulma A beautiful and highly intelligent scientist and part of the wealthiest family in the world. She is the daughter of Dr. Brief, the founder of the Capsule Corporation. She meets Goku while searching for the Dragon Balls, and eventually marries Vegeta and has two children.
    • Goku Goku is the main protagonist in the Dragon Ball franchise and one of the strongest fighters in the universe. He is a Saiyan warrior whose original name was Kakarot, son of Bardock. He is the husband of Chi Chi, and the father of Gohan and Goten. He is also Grandfather to Pan.
    • Krillin Krillin holds the honor of being one of the most often killed characters in the Dragon Ball Z universe. After the cell games, Krillin grows hair and marries Android 18 and has a daughter with her named Marron.
    • Major Metallitron Major Metallitron is a giant Terminator-esque robot who is employed by the Red Ribbon Army.
    • Master Roshi Known as 'Mutenroushi' (武天老師) in the original Japanese, Master Roshi is one of the most influential characters in all of the DBZ legend, he has raised and motivated many of the youth that would later become the universe's greatest warriors.
    • Monster Carrot A ruthless rabbit mob boss who can turn people into carrots with a touch.
    • Ninja Murasaki Ninja Murasaki is the Sergent Major of the Red Ribbon Army.
    • Oolong One of the oldest characters in the Dragon Ball universe, Oolong is a talking pig that can transform into any from he wishes.
    • Ox King The Ox King is the father of Chi-Chi and father-in-law of Goku. He trained alongside Goku's grandfather as a student of Master Roshi.
    • Pilaf Emperor Pilaf holds eternal dreams of ruling the world.
    • Shenron Shenron was made by Kami, the guardian of the earth, to grant the wish of whoever gathered the 7 dragon balls.
    • Turtle Turtle is a companion of Master Roshi and a resident of the Kame House. He is usually the one to keep Roshi's perverted urges under control.

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    Dragon Ball: Dragon Daihikyou Characters - Giant Bomb (24)

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